Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Home is where the heart is...

Well everyone... There won't be many posts here for a while now. My trip is over.

Italy was brilliant. I really enjoyed my time there and I can't wait to go back... next time with someone and maybe with a bit of the language under my belt.

I started this adventure quite nervously and not knowing what to expect. I come away from it, a little wiser... All of it was apparently "part of the experience". The world does seems smaller. I think I have a taste for travel and thus I can only conclude that somewhere along the way I must have been gnawed on by a roaving insect.

Among many things, I learnt:
- Tours are a brilliant way to see the sights without the stress.
- Travelling alone can be lonely.
- We take breakfast for granted.
- Luggage isn't guaranteed.
- Foreign people don't look foreign.
- Currency conversion is annoying.
- Phones, toilets, a laundry & the internet can be luxury items.
- Scams can work once even on me.
- Living out of a suitcase can take its toll.
- No bed feels better than your own.
- No amount of negative experiences can deminish the awesome experiences.
- It's great to just relax in a foreign country & not worry about seeing sights.
- The world is a big place.
- Home is definitely where the heart is. And no, that's not Canberra! ;-)

Anyway, life in my home town goes on. I'm back at work again. Back sleeping in my own bed. Trying to settle into a routine after such a brilliant trip is difficult.

My next big trip... Egypt.
Big trip after that... Maybe the south of Italy.
Next small trip... Likely New Zealand. :-)

In regard to this site: I've been considering reviewing the purpose of my blog and thought I could possibly move the Italy posts to my website and keep the blog open for general blogging... Oh, I don't know... Thoughts anyone?

I'll post some of my pictures soon... I have to weed through the 1,918 and pick out my favourites... so give me a little while.

Thanks & good night! :-)


  1. Ya.. gots to keep ya blog!

  2. So, one vote to keep it going... Yeah, I'm tempted. But who are you vesur?
