Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sydney, Where all Good Luggage goes...

The amazing thing is that I received a call last night to advise that my luggage had turned up... in Sydney! Yay! The odd part was when he said, "so... would you like us to send it to Canberra?" Hmmm... I thought for a moment... You see, I leave for Canberra on Sunday, that's only 3 days away. Therefore it could be worth having it just go ahead of me. But instead, I've tempted fate and asked them to forward it here... Technically this means it will arrive tonight. Here's hoping. :-)

It's pretty cool though. Every day so far, various members of the Morris family have come to the shops and helped me buy clothes. :-) So losing my luggage isn't that bad. And, there's plenty of Billabong stock to choose from over here. Plus, I love shopping, especially for clothes. :-) You see, I have an allowance of $500 after 24 hours of my luggage going missing to purchase things I need. After 72 hours, the allowance doubles to $1000. This, of course, hinges on getting the report from the airline backing up the fact that the luggage went missing. I'm sure that'll be fine.

It's overcast here today but I'm still having fun on my last few days of holidays. Today's agenda may have ice cream involved so that'll be cool. :-)

Take care all,

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