Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Siena, Pisa & Marble

Thanks to those who've been leaving comments and sending me e-mail. I really enjoy hearing from you.

Well, this update comes almost two days late since my phone's more advanced features were off the air when we entered the La Spezia district.

So, what happened the day before yesterday I hear you ask? Well... It's a bit of a blur now that another two days are almost over but here goes...

It all started with a bus drive. Since it's a significant drive, and during any amount of pure travel, what our Tour Director Alison does is tell us all the interesting stories and scandals that happened or were believed to have happened for the destinations we're driving through or to. This is smart since it'd be quite boring otherwise watching the scenery fly by.

Alison had since instituted a seat rotation (each day we move clockwise three seats) and now we have name tags which are tacky but help is to remember everybody's names. Each of us are also assigned to ensure that at each meeting point we make sure the people who sit in front and behind us are there.. We don't want to get left behind! Hmmm, on second thought. :-)

So we visited the cathedral in Siena with its black and white marble indicating its allegiance. I didn't go in there but I did go into the museum and up an incomplete wall. This was a wall that if I recall correctly was started to protect the town but was abandoned soon after. The great thing was that the from its vantage point you could see all of Siena. A brilliant view.

I must say at this point that it's funny how difficult it is to use another language on the spur of the moment, under pressure. I immediately revert back to English even though I should know some of the basics. The brilliant thing is that most words have similar sounds to English so even in a tough situation you can still communicate, if they're willing to try at least.

Since I spent my time investigating the alleyways I was running out of time to have a sit down lunch so decided against it. Did I mention how you pay more for food if you sit down? If I have, here I go again... You do. This is because you are paying for the view and the clean table. The service charge may or may not be included though. In fact, it is for this reason that you find that most Italian's stand up at the counter to drink their coffee and eat their lunch. This also explains why coffee is always served tepid and why it's always tourists sitting outside. I digress... So I just grabbed a sandwich at a bar and sat in the middle of the square (actually shaped like a fan and sloping down toward the church) in the shade of the clock tower, where both tourists and Italians were sitting. It was very pleasant.

Back on the bus and time for more commentary and a snooze we stopped for a "pee pee break", as Alison calls it (since there's nothing technical about it), at this grill which was built over the road, very odd. I got some snacks including fonzies (supposed to be twisties but turned out to be a bland gross version) and Pringles (haven't had them yet) and an odd kinda surprise. It's funny buying snacks 'cos you never know really what you're going to get, especially when you don't understand the labels. :-)

When we arrived at the car park for Pisa we were provided a treat... A "train ride" to save walking... It wasn't a real train, it was one of those ones you find at old theme parks with the wooden seat carriages but very bright and well looked after. The music played over the speaker was actually the driver, not Bochelli (I think it was him). You could buy his CD for €10. The real artist thought it was pretty good.

After a small walk we turned up outside the walls... Interesting to note the battlements that were replaced when they changed political sides. The pointed ones were replaced by square ones representing allegiance to the pope. This is quite noticeable since they were of a different brickwork.

When you walk in through the arched entrance, you expect to see Pisa sitting by itself. Instead, you are confronted by three very large buildings. The Baptismal, the cathedral and Pisa sitting behind them.

Pisa was constructed with the first two levels but was abandoned due to instability, it leaned. After much consideration, they then added the third level but made it weigh less on the leaning side. The result? It started leaning on the other side but more. The project was completely abandoned by the original architect. It was completed much later by another architect. Ever since, the tower, affectionately referred to as "she", has had problems with her lean. They tried strengthening her good side to support her weak side, then she was embarrassed by having to wear a girdle and in humiliation have her tied to the ground to prevent further lean. Finally they used pipes to insert sand underneath her. She stopped increasing her lean at such a rate and also straightened up a bit too. All good news for the old girl. :-)

At the sight of Pisa many are overwhelmed with a desire to do a strange form of Tai Chi... Trying to capture themselves holding up the tower. This was fun to pose for and I got this great photo of everyone trying to do it too.. Very funny.

Back to our makeshift train, only a Kodak moment stop over in Pisa. Funny thing happened... Alison counted everyone on the "train" and one was missing. I was finishing my ice cream so hadn't got on yet. She turned to me and said, do you know who is missing? It then dawned on her that I was the one missing. I guess you had to be there. :-)

Back on the bus heading for La Spezia. You know, I always thought that marble was a rock that was so very precious and quite rare. That was until we drove past the Marble Mountains of Carara. They look like snow-capped mountains but it's not snow... It's marble! Amazing. This is where Michaelangelo would go to pick out the marble for his statues and where all the columns come from... They're not running out any time soon. Interesting that we've moved from using wedges of wet wood to diamond cutters to extract the marble from the mountain.

We had a rest when we arrived at the hotel then we had a short rest then had dinner in the hotel... Not that impressive really. Not surprising considering the speed of portage.

After dinner I had a coffee with some from the tour then went for a walk up the dock. I felt kinda sad walking along 'cos I miss the people at home and I miss talking to Kerrie and I wished I could share the experience. All good though, it's only temporary. E-mail or add a comment on my blog. You'll make my day. :-)

I must admit, I miss vegemite and earl grey tea too and my Dove shower products. Tried buying them and it was too complicated without assistance... Couldn't understand the labels on the bottles!

Anyway, I had a good night sleep for a change that night. I was getting sick of feeling wide awake at 4am each morning. :-)

I'll post again soon with yesterday and today's activities... I'm finding it difficult to keep up with the blog but I'm determined to keep you updated.. Keep well all! :-)

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