Wednesday, May 23, 2007

SMS's aren't arriving... I think.

A hearty buongiorno to all my faithful listeners.

I haven't received an SMS since London. I was assuming that I hadn't been sent any but now I have an inkling that SMS's are being sent but aren't coming through to me... It is confirmed that New Zealand one's are getting lost but I don't know about Australian one's.

Leave a comment or e-mail me ( if you've sent me an SMS recently so I know. If there is an issue I may be able to do something about it in Venice.

At this point it may be best to leave comments on my blog or e-mail me if you want to communicate rather than SMS. It looks unreliable... I'll look into it though.

I hate to think I've not received messages from any of you so send me your messages again via e-mail...

Anyway, have a good day guys...

I'll try to get my next blog installment out soon. :-)


1 comment:

  1. I posted a comment but cant see it and I sent yu an sms - but dont know if you got it...hope your having a good time, it certainly sounds like it. business as usual here.
